Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Arty Divas Birthday challenge Winner

Hello everyone, thank you to all who joined in with our Birthday challenge, it was delightful to see everyone's wonderful creations! We really appreciate everyone!

Along with a winner being chosen we will also be choosing our Top Three favourite designs!

Please take your badges below. 

The winner of our Challenge is:

#12  Maryann Scrapbooking   

Congratulations! please contact Zowie at artydivascreations@gmail.com for more details on claiming your prize. Please allow up to three weeks for delivery. 

Now to announce our Top 3 designs in no order selected by Zowie.   

#4 Mamapia

#2 Paper Whims

#15 Carol Gill

Congratulations! Please grab your badges; right click over image and save to upload on to your blog side bar.


Thank you so much to everyone who played along in our Birthday challenge, we appreciate you sharing your lovely creations with us. Hope to see you again! Happy crafting! 


  1. Thank you for choosing my card in your Top Picks and congrats to the other lades-well deserved winner Maryann
    Carol x

    1. Thanks so much for entering your beautiful creation into our birthday challenge Carol! Hugs, Zowie x

  2. Thank you for choosing my card as a team favorite...I am honored!!!

    1. Thanks for sharing your beautiful creation with us Wendy! Hugs, Zowie x

  3. Waouh ! Je suis super heureuse d'être la gagnante du challenge Anniversaire. Merci beaucoup.
    Félicitations aux autres gagnantes.
    Encore Joyeux Anniversaire.

    Wow! I am super happy to be the winner of the Anniversary challenge. Thank you so much.
    Congratulations to the other winners.
    Happy birthday again.

    1. Congratulations Maryann! Thanks for entering your beautiful card into our Birthday challenge! Hugs, Zowie x
